M4T- Advanced Workshop Syllabus (M4T)
The M4T-Advanced workshop is intended to develop educators' skills of using Moodle in online learning at the level of mastery of instructional design of online and blended online learning (BOL) to facilitate professional development programs to train educators and staff to use Moodle in its full potential.
This intensive, four-week-long workshop is designed to provide you with the environment where you will apply your skills and knowledge in theoretical and practical aspects of online learning and teaching with Moodle Learning Management System. By successfully completing the program you will be ready to facilitate professional development programs and workshops using Moodle. In the workshop, you will be using online learning pedagogies and best practices, you will explore latest research and publications about Moodle, study new developments in Moodle "industry" and collaborate with colleagues on the latest issues and current research in distant learning and teaching with LMS.
Format & Workload
This workshop includes asynchronous (via Moodle) and synchronous (via WiZiQ) components. You are expected to be active at least 10 hours a week exploring and reflecting on theoretical and practical aspects of online instruction (facilitation) and learning (individually and in teams).
You will work individually to design or redesign a course or a professional development program on your chosen topic. You will add content and resources, explore web 2.0 technologies, integrate synchronous and asynchronous learning activities into your course and develop assessments for online learning/teaching. You will also be encouraged to reflect on the process of developing your course/program and to share your learning experiences with your peers. The final learning outcome of the advanced workshop will be a "Moodle for Teachers" professional development program/course. Additionally, you will work collaboratively to design a Live* online session on one of the four weekly topics.
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop you will:
* Examine the latest publications on the issues of distance, BOL education and teaching with LMS/Moodle and provide critical analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the field research about workshop topics.
* Make informed decisions about suitable educational pedagogies for online/blended learning courses
* Use Moodle and Web 2.0 tools to create an interactive learning environment and to collaborate and create team documents
* Add a variety of Moodle resources to your program/course
* Select/Create and use a diverse arsenal of Moodle activities including plugin modules (e/g.,: Lesson, workshop, Sloodle, mobile, and Webquests)
* Critically reflect on your own and others' work and provide constructive feedback for program/course improvement
* Design and develop a Moodle Professional Development Program/course in conjunction with team members/or individually based on a constructivist/connectivist pedagogy
* Schedule and lead using synchronous, live WiZiQ or other web-conferencing platforms to promote the topics of innovative learning and teaching in your PD program.
Tentative Schedule
This 5-week facilitated workshop will potentially address the following topics:
* Week 1: "Connect, Communicate & Collaborate. "Empowered with the New Learning: The New World of Learning, Teaching, and Professional Development."
* Week 2: Moodle Course Design. "Why Moodle? What Moodle is for Me? Education 2.0 and Constructivist Platform of Moodle."
* Week 3: Moodle Course Development. "Beyond Moodle: Connecting Moodle to Mobile &/or Virtual Learning Environments"
* Week 4: Moodle Course Facilitation & Assessment. "The Future of Education. Moodle 2.0, 3.0? Education N.0?"
Participants who have successfully completed the workshop will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion. Successful completion of the workshop is defined as completing 80-85% of the workshop work and the final project.